Saturday, May 17, 2008

Early May Pics

Wearing my pretty blue dress for Bo's birthday party on May 4th.

Too big for the swing now-- but it's a good toy.
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Puffs and Cheerios

Caroline can feed herself now. I started giving her a few banana puffs on her high chair tray a couple of weeks ago. At first, she would just grab them with her whole fist and bring her fist to her mouth, not really able to figure out how to get them in her mouth. Now, she is using a pincer grasp most of the time to pick them up and generally has pretty good aim to her mouth. We started Cheerios few days ago. She has a bit more difficulty with them, as they are smaller and thinner than the puffs, but she usually manages to hit the mark with them now too. She really seems to enjoy feeding herself and often looks at the container of puffs and beats her hands on the table when she has eaten all that I have given her.

The two bottom teeth have come in enough now that they are easliy visible when she opens her mouth. We think there is a top tooth on the way soon too. Lots of gnawing on her hands and more drooling than usual along with some redness of the gum.

She is crawling at lightening speed now and goes all over the house. Her favorite thing to do now is to pull up and stand either on the ottoman or at the low windows in the TV room. Her balance is developing well too. When she stands at the ottoman or couch, she bounces up and down, even jumping sometimes, and manages to stay on her feet. Yesterday, she was trying to climb up onto the couch. She actually put one foot on the bottom of the couch like she was going to step up and pull herself up with her arms. It was pretty funny!

She is becoming more and more vocal every day. Many more da-da's and ma-ma/mum-mum's. After her bath last night, I was carrying her to the changing table and as we passed Chris sitting on the couch, it sounded just like she said "hi da". The mum-mums and ma-mas seem to happen when she's upset, like if she wants to be picked up or if she is crying in her crib after she wakes up. Makes me melt every time!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was great!!!!!!!
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