Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hands and Feet

Caroline is a short napper. Thus, the reason I have not posted in a week or so. She now takes four to five 30 to 45 minute naps per day. Usually, the naps are 30 minutes-- almost to the minute. I am super excited if she sleeps longer but it's rare. The thing is, she seems to do fine with frequent short naps, rather than fewer long naps, which is what most other babies her age seem to do.

She is sleeping at night much better too. She is usually down for the night between 6 and 8 pm(closer to 8 for the most part) and sleeps until between 7:30 and 9 am, with 2 feedings in between around midnight and 6 am. We both are much happier on the mornings that she sleeps later--especially her.

Caroline held her bottle herself for the first time last week. Chris was feeding her and she just reached up and took it on her own. She needed a little bit of help at times, but she really surprised us by doing that. And she is also sucking on her hands and fingers all the time. She does suck her thumb a little, but mostly its her fists or a couple of fingers.

She has also discovered her feet. She has started rolling over onto her right side on her play gym mat and reaches down to grab her feet. Sometimes, she can reach them when she is lying on her back on the changing table.

And another new trick-- rolling from her back to her tummy when she's in her crib. She surprised me with that a few mornings ago when I went in to get her, and there she was on her tummy. We haven't actually seen her do it , but I suspect she is throwing her legs over to the side to roll herself. Since we swaddle her, she can't use her arms.

Caroline is just growing like a weed. She is somewhere around 14 lbs now and is outgrowing most of her 0-3 month clothes.

1 comment:

Nico said...

I am amazed that she's already sleeping so well at night. Ant didn't start going to bed that early / sleeping that much at night until he was around 6-7 months. That her night sleep is already so consolidated explains the shorter nap times during the day. I bet that those will consolidate into a couple of longer naps within the next couple of months.

It's so exciting when they start interacting!