Saturday, December 8, 2007

Roly Poly

It's official-- Caroline is rolling from her back to her tummy now. Last night, I had her on the play gym mat and she just rolled over to the left and kept on going right to her tummy. I started videoing her while she was still on her tummy and then she rolled to her back and then back again to her tummy. As I mentioned before, she has been doing it in her sleep for a few days, but this was the first witnessed rollover.

Speaking of sleep-- we are FREE AT LAST! Free of the swaddle blankets, that is. We didn't swaddle her for the first time last night. I put her in her PJ's and fed her and then she just quietly drifted off sucking her paci as I rocked her. She went in her crib about 10:00 and didn't make a peep until 5:30. She now immediately rolls to her tummy when I put her down. But, we stick to the recommendation of putting her on her back and letting her roll over if she wants to.


Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie! They grow so fast! We will be making to Curtis Christmas! Can't wait to meet Caroline. Much love - dawn

Aunt Helen said...

Yea Caroline. Now that you aren't swaddled you can jump on the bed!! It's REALLY fun :)