Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Apples and Bananas

Caroline had her first fruit yesterday. I decided to give her apples first. And..... she hated them. Totally turned her nose up and made a face like they were disgusting. She spit pretty much all of it out. And the same thing when Nana tried again this morning. Not into the apples at all. So, this afternoon, we started with a big helping of rice cereal and she still seemed hungy when all of that was gone. So, I decided to give her bananas. Much better. She seemed to like them pretty well. Not as much as she likes the cereal, which she now totally laps up. But the bananas at least went down. Nana pointed out that the apples are quite tart, so that may be why she didn't like them (no sugar in baby apples). So, we'll do bananas for a few days and then mix the apples with bananas or cereal and try again. I am going to wait a bit longer to start veggies-- she still spits up a lot and I'm not ready to see orange spit up from carrots and sweet potatoes.


Aunt Helen said...

Bryan's favorite way to show me he didn't like something was to blow when I put the spoon in his mouth. This sent all manner of green or orange veggies into my face and hair. Once she gets some teeth she can eat Cap'n Crunch with her dad! Guess the plain cereal will do for now..haha.

Poppa said...

Christopher was very texture consious for quite awhile. Maybe she has some of that in her. On the otherhand, apples ARE a little tart.