Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Caroline goes to the photographer

I took Caroline to have some professional photos done today. LAst night, I had a little anxiety about having a scheduled appointment time and trying to get us there on time all by myself. The day went really well. Caroline woke up early, I fed her and she was wide awake so I gave her a bath. Then she went down for a good nap which allowed me to take a shower. And then she woke up at the perfect time to allow me to feed her again and then get to the studio. I think she knew that we were on a schedule- yeah, right! Anyway, as she was nursing before we left, I was thinking, wow, this really working out right on schedule and very smoothly and then...........I hear a big pooping sound from Caroline. Which isn't all that unusual when she eating. But then I feel something warm on my leg. And I look down at my jeans (yes, I was dressed to go already) and there is poop on my jeans and on the Boppy pillow and on the carpet. NICE! SO, my smooth morning was slightly disrupted by having to clean that up and wouldn't you know it was right after she had a bath. Well, I guess it's just good that she got it all out before the pictures b/c some of them were taken without a diaper. The photo session went really well and I will see proofs next week. I think they are going to be great. I used the same photographer that did our wedding, so I know he is good.

Caroline held objects in her hands for the first time today. She had held a little ring-shaped rattle a little bit before. But, she was holding them and moving them up to her face.. like she wanted to put them in her mouth. She licked them but never actually chewed on them. She didn't want to let go and held them all the way through her diaper change

1 comment:

Nico said...

I never managed to get Ant to a photo session at that age - tried THREE times with no success. Sounds like it worked much better for you, despite the explosion. I hope we get to see the pics in a few weeks!!!