Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Over the weekend, my dad (Pop) came home from Orlando. Caroline and I picked him up from the airport on Saturday morning. She did great on the way to the airport and to my parents house, sleeping most of the way. We stayed and visited with Pop at his house for an hour or so. This was Caroline's first time at Nana and Pop's house. She liked sitting with Pop in his big rocker. The trip home was not as easy. Caroline cried most of the way home. I even thought at one point that she was in pain b/c she was crying so hard--that maybe part of the carseat strap was hurting her. Once we got in the garage and I got her out, she calmed down but she was hot and sweaty. Not sure if this was just b/c she was crying so hard or if she got hot and that caused her to cry. The sun was definitely shining in the back window most of the time. I think I will get one of those sunshades that stick onto the window. I did notice her turning away from the bright sun a lot.

The rest of the weekend, we just stayed home. Nana and Pop came over for pizza on Sunday night. Caroline slept in the swing through most of their visit.

She is off and on with the bottle. She wouldn't take one from Chris on Saturday--but I think it's b/c I had picked her up from her nap, not realizing she was hungry yet. Not good planning on our part. But yesterday, she took one from Nana without any problem. I had left the house for a bit and just came back home as Nana was fixing the bottle, so I made sure Caroline didn't know I was home. No problems. So, I definitely think the key is for me to stay away at bottle time.

We have been putting Caroline to sleep in the bassinet the past 2 nights. The carseat thing was still working, but she manages to wiggle her way down in the seat so that her head is in the bottom of the seat and her legs are sticking straight out. It's kind of funny to see, but it makes us nervous that she might not be able to breathe in that position. She has done well in the bassinet. She definitely wakes up more often but she goes right back to sleep after she nurses. It is really great that she is never fussy in the middle of the night!

We are planning to post more recent pictures soon!

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